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Demonstrating that we are operating as a responsible business, making firm external commitments and working with our industry peers, government and regulators to drive positive change.


UK Stewardship Code

UK Stewardship Code

Signatories include asset managers, asset owners and service providers who meet the stewardship reporting expectations set by the Financial Reporting Council. 


Transition Pathway Initiative

TPI provides investors with tools and guidance to support the assessment of company preparedness for the low carbon transition.


Partnership for Carbon Accounting

A global partnership of financial institutions that work together to develop and implement a harmonised approach to assess and disclose the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with their loans and investments.



The leading proponent of responsible investment, supporting its signatories to understand and incorporate ESG factors into investment decision making.


Business in the Community

BITC is a network of business members who are leading a movement to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work.

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Living Wage Employer

The Living Wage Foundation offers accreditation to the leadership of responsible employers who choose to go further and pay a real Living Wage based on the cost of living, not just the government minimum.

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Top 100 Inspiring Workplaces

Ranked 4th. This global list assess organisations based on culture and purpose, leadership, wellbeing, inclusion & diversity, communication and employee experience.

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Mental Health at Work Commitment

The Commitment, and the standards which underpin it, are a roadmap to achieving better mental health outcomes for those in work. Signatories make a public commitment to implement the six standards.

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Race at Work Charter

A public commitment to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace. Signatories commit to seven calls to action to ensure that ethnic minority employees are represented at all levels in an organisation.

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The Valuable 500

The Valuable 500’s mission is to use the power of business to drive lasting change for the 1.3 billion people around the world, living with a disability.

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10,000 Black Interns

The programme offers paid internship opportunities across more than 25 sectors, in addition to training and development opportunities. Its purpose is to address the underrepresentation of Black talent in industry.

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Carer Positive Employer in Scotland

Carer Positive aims to encourage employers to create a supportive working environment for carers in the workplace. We've been awarded level 3 - Exemplary.

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Disability Confident Scheme

The Scheme supports employers to make the most of the talents disabled people can bring to your workplace. Disability Confident Employers are recognised as going the extra mile to make sure disabled people get a fair chance.

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Business Disability Forum Member

The leading business membership organisation in disability inclusion. Members work to improve the life experiences of disabled employees and consumers, by removing barriers to inclusion.

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Women in Finance Business Charter

A commitment by HM Treasury and signatory firms to work together to build a more balanced and fair financial services industry.

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Social Mobility Pledge

A coalition of 550 businesses globally employing over 5 million people. It encourages organisations to be a force for good by putting social mobility at the heart of their purpose.

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Social Mobility Foundation Employer Index

Ranked 14th. The Index assesses the steps being taken to ensure talent from all social backgrounds can get 'in' and 'on' in organisations.

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Asset Owner Diversity Charter

A commitment by signatory firms to build an investment industry which represents a more balanced and fair representation of diverse societies.

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Wellbeing of Women - Menopause Workplace Pledge

Signatories commit to: recognising that the menopause can be an issue in the workplace and women need support; talking openly, positively and respectfully about the menopause; actively supporting and informing your employees affected by the menopause.

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Carer Confident Accreditation

The certificate of achievement is presented to employers with a UK presence who have demonstrated that they have built an inclusive workplace where carers are recognised, respected and supported.

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Working Families Best Practice Award

The Best Practice Award recognise and celebrate employers who are offering flexibility for all their people and going above and beyond in their support for parents and carers.

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Global Good Awards - Company of the Year
Better Society Awards - Impact Company of the Year
Terra Carta Seal


S&P score putting us in the 90th percentile of peers 


MSCI rating companies CCC to AAA (best) for managing ESG risks and opportunities


CDP scores companies from A to D- across climate change, deforestation and water security


Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure

The Taskforce developed a framework of recommendations to help public companies and financial institutions more effectively disclose climate-related risks and opportunities. Supporters demonstrate that they are taking action to build a more resilient financial system through climate-related disclosure.

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ABI Board Climate Change Committee

The Committee focuses on delivering an ambitious sector-wide approach to reaching Net Zero, identifying how the industry’s investments and underwriting can enable the ‘Green Industrial Revolution’ and how insurance and long-term savings customers can be supported to make more sustainable choices.

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Climate Action 100+

An investor-led initiative to ensure that the world’s largest corporate greenhouse gas emitters take necessary action on climate change including aligning with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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Institutional Investor Group on Climate Change

IIGCC is the European membership body for investor collaboration on climate change and the voice of investors taking action for a prosperous, low carbon future.

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The Green Finance Institute

An independent, commercially focussed organisation that sits at the nexus of the public and private sectors, and whose purpose is to design, develop and launch portfolios of scalable financial solutions that accelerate sector-specific transitions to a low-carbon future.

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Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance

A member-led initiative of institutional investors committed to transitioning their investment portfolios to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 – consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C.

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Race to Zero Campaign

The campaign mobilizes leading net zero initiatives and real economy actors to commit to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest.

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Paris Aligned Investment Initiative

PAII translates the goals of the Paris Agreement into practical guidance for asset owners and asset managers, establishing a common understanding of approaches and methodologies to guide action.

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Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero

An initiative that unites net-zero financial sector-specific alliances from across the globe into one industry-wide strategic alliance.

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Global Impact Investing Network

GIIN is the global champion of impact investing, dedicated to increasing its scale and effectiveness around the world.

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WWF Earth Hour Participant

Earth Hour is a worldwide event is held annually, encouraging individuals, communities, and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights, for one hour.

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Get Nature Positive Campaign

A campaign that mobilises organisations to put nature and biodiversity gain at the heart of decision-making and is designed to demonstrate the business community’s collective focus on protecting and restoring nature.

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Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosure

A global initiative that aims to support a shift in global financial flows away from nature-negative outcomes and toward nature-positive outcomes by delivering a framework for organisations to report and act on evolving nature-related risks.

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Sustainable Markets Initiative Global Supply Chain Pledge

A commitment by members of the SMI Insurance Task Force to take action to encourage and support their supply chain partners to make the green transition.

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Make My Money Matter Campaign

A campaign to engage customers and pension providers to invest for a better future and ensure a positive impact on people and planet.

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A global corporate energy efficiency initiative bringing together over 120 ambitious businesses committed to measuring and reporting on efficiency improvements.

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UK Goverment Transition Plan Taskforce

The TPT was launched by HM Treasury in April 2022 to develop the gold standard for private sector climate transition plans.

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Scottish Government Green Finance Taskforce

The Taskforce aims to transition Scotland into a global leader for Green and Sustainable Financial Services.

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Chamber of Commerce in Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Chamber is an independent membership organisation which supports the business community in Edinburgh to grow and achieve success.

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