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Find out information about our financial crime policies

The Phoenix Group is incorporated in the UK, listed on the London Stock Exchange and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. The conduct of Phoenix’s business is governed in accordance with the FATF requirements and we apply processes aligned to all relevant EU Money Laundering Directives as enacted by UK regulation and legislation.

The Phoenix Group has a Financial Crime Prevention Policy in place to ensure compliance with all of the above legal and regulatory anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing obligations and applies Customer Due Diligence processes in line with the UK Money Laundering Regulations and Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG) Guidance to all business relationships and transactions.

Anti-money laundering and sanctions statement

The Phoenix anti-money laundering and sanctions statement provides an overview of Phoenix’s anti money laundering and sanctions policies and procedures. Details of Group regulated entities and trustees covered by the policy can be found on page 2 - Appendix 1.

Bribery act statement

The Phoenix Group is committed to countering bribery and corruption with suitable policies and procedures. We have an anti-bribery programme in place designed to prevent the occurrence of bribery.

Criminal finance act statement

The Phoenix Group is committed to preventing facilitation of tax evasion with suitable policies and procedures.

Law enforcement contact

For contact regarding Asset Recovery, Restraint Orders, Production Orders and other law enforcement enquiries, please contact us by email at

Wolfsberg group financial crime compliance questionnaire

The Wolfsberg Group is an association of thirteen global banks which aims to develop frameworks and guidance for the management of financial crime risks, particularly with respect to Know Your Customer, Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing policies. 

The Financial Crime Prevention Policy is set at Group (Parent) level and adhered to by all Group Companies. The Wolfsberg Questionnaire has also been completed at the Parent company level, with a copy of the Company Structure chart as a separate link below confirming the current ownership structure as per question 6. Details of regulated entities and Trustee companies within the Group can also be found on the anti-money laundering and sanctions letter on page 2 – Appendix 1.

Yvonne Collins (FCA Authorised Reference Number YXC01170) is the Head of Financial Crime Prevention and Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO). 

Phoenix Group Holdings (including wholly owned companies)

Company Structure Chart

For any information regarding the Wolfsberg Questionnaire responses please contact FinCrimeDD&