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Belinda Richards

Belinda Richards

Independent Non-Executive Director


1 October 2017


Remuneration Committee and Risk Committee

Career and experience:

Belinda has extensive financial services and strategy experience from a 30-year career. She was Senior Partner and Global Head of Merger Integration and Separation Advisory Services at Deloitte LLP. Prior to this, Belinda was Vice President of Post-Acquisition Integration and Separation Services at Ernst & Young LLP and Principal of Corporate Finance and Strategic Advisory Services at KPMG LLP. Her NED experience includes roles as NED and Chair of the Audit Committee of Avast plc and William Morrison Supermarkets plc, SID of Grainger plc and NED of Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited and Friends Life Group Limited.

Key skills and competencies: 

  • Highly qualified to appraise corporate growth opportunities, integration processes and the post-acquisition environment allowing the provision of robust challenge and guidance in relation to Phoenix Group’s strategy.
  • Extensive leadership experience and technical perspective enabling contribution to Risk and Remuneration Committee discussions and debate.

Current external appointments:

NED at The Monks Investment Trust plc, NED and Chair of the Audit Committee at Schroder Japan Trust plc, SID and Chair of the Sustainability and Governance Committee of Olam Food Ingredients.